The Annual 9/11 Memorial Service, at the Historic Letterkenny Chapel will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2016, at 3:00 p.m., Letterkenny Army Depot, 2171 Carbaugh Avenue, Chambersburg, PA.
“It is an exciting opportunity for someone, who wants to grow personally, contribute to growing community, and just wants to share the treasure the Capitol Theatre is,”
Photos can be indoors or out, a favorite meal, an event, a landmark, a historic site, blossoming trees, fresh food, a veteran memorial, a sunrise or a sunset…just showcase what you love about Franklin County!
The Franklin County Visitors Bureau continues its dedication to exploring Franklin County PA, and has created a map of PokeStops in Waynesboro for the popular PokemonGo app.
On September 24, enjoy two great events, Mercersburg Townfest and the Mercersburg Beer & Wine Festival in Mercersburg! Held from 1pm to 4pm, The Mercersburg Beer and Wine Festival will be hosted by the Tuscarora Chamber of Commerce in Mercersburg Park at 405 S. Park Avenue in Mercersburg.